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Brand Guidelines

The below guidelines are provided to help when using the Jardy brand. It’s important to review the below guidelines for proper brand usage.


Jardy (pronounced JAR-DEE) is a single word that is always spelled using a capital “J.” Jardy is both the name of the company and product. When referring to specific sub-products, features, or releases from Jardy, please capitalize both words as proper nouns (e.g. “Jardy Releases” or “Jardy Newsletters”).


When applicable, make sure to tag our social accounts when creating social media posts. You can also reference Jardy on social media by using #jardy within your content or at the bottom of your post.


For logo-only grids or layouts that do not provide adequate space, we suggest using the Jardy logo (mark). In these scenarios, it is a concise way to refer to Jardy. We trust your judgment in selecting the appropriate one to use for your audience.


We’ve kept Jardy brand colors simple, using additional, playful colors as needed throughout our digital footprint. Using our colors against light and dark backgrounds is recommended for the best visual output.


Visit our Writing page to read about our copywriting guidelines.


Our company's name, brand imagery, and assets are legally protected. Usage restrictions include modifying, developing similar assets, displaying in your own ventures, or merging them with other assets.